Allan Hancock Rodeo Spring RoundUp Date Change Announced
Our Central Coast has been blessed with an abundance of rain this Winter, however, due to the most recent rain, Hancock College Boosters, Inc. have decided to reschedule the Inaugural AHC Rodeo Spring RoundUp for the safety of our animal athletes and college rodeo contestants. Our Inaugural College Rodeo will be rescheduled to October 5th and 6th, 2024 which will be held at our home arena, the Elks Event Center. We invite you to join us for our Inaugural Collegiate Rodeo this Fall, and are looking forward to hosting! For event updates and more information, please visit our website at or stay tuned to our social media platforms for updates!
Instagram: @ahcrodeoteam
For Guests that have already purchased tickets for the March dates, you may opt to roll those over to the October dates or request a refund if you so choose. Please reach out to or call (805) 503-9935 with any questions
If you would like to get involved through Sponsorship or become a Vendor for our Inaugural Hancock College Rodeo, please contact